Commonly known as the "Dungeon," the city of Orario possesses a huge labyrinth in the underground. Its strange name attracts excitement, illusions of honor, and hopes of romance with a pretty girl. In this city of dreams and desires, new adventurer Bell Cranel has his fateful encounter with the tiny Goddess Hestia. Thus begins the story of a boy striving to become the best adventurer and a lonely goddess searching for followers both working together to fulfill their goals.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Commonly known as the "Dungeon," the city of Orario possesses a huge labyrinth in the underground. Its strange name attracts excitement, illusions of honor, and hopes of romance with a pretty girl. In this city of dreams and desires, new adventurer Bell Cranel has his fateful encounter with the tiny Goddess Hestia. Thus begins the story of a boy striving to become the best adventurer and a lonely goddess searching for followers both working together to fulfill their goals.
There are 59 episodes across 6 seasons
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? has 6 seasons
Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? has 0 movies
View all the opening and ending themes for Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? through every season
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No theme information available at this time.
No theme information available at this time.
No theme information available at this time.
No theme information available at this time.
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