The orphans at Grace Field House have only ever known peace. Their home is nice, their bellies stay full, and their caretaker, Mom, loves them very much. But their world turns upside down when the smartest children of the bunch—Emma, Ray, and Norman—learn what horror awaits them on adoption day. Now, their cultivated wit may be their only chance of survival. (Source: Funimation)
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The orphans at Grace Field House have only ever known peace. Their home is nice, their bellies stay full, and their caretaker, Mom, loves them very much. But their world turns upside down when the smartest children of the bunch—Emma, Ray, and Norman—learn what horror awaits them on adoption day. Now, their cultivated wit may be their only chance of survival. (Source: Funimation)
There are 23 episodes across 2 seasons
The Promised Neverland has 2 seasons
The Promised Neverland has 0 movies
View all the opening and ending themes for The Promised Neverland through every season
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