Under the rule of a tyrannical empire, Tatsumi, a young swordsman, leaves his home to save his poverty stricken village. He meets a girl named Akame, an assassin who was bought, brainwashed and trained to kill by the Empire. Akame is a member of the secret assassin group called “Night Raid” who use special weapons called Teigu. Together, Tatsumi and the members of Night Raid confront the corrupt empire. (Source: Crunchyroll)
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Akame ga KILL! Manga Set 1-15
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 1
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 2
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 3
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 4
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 5
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 6
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 7
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 8
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 9
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 10
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 11
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 12
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 13
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 14
Akame ga KILL!, Vol. 15
Frequently Asked Questions
Under the rule of a tyrannical empire, Tatsumi, a young swordsman, leaves his home to save his poverty stricken village. He meets a girl named Akame, an assassin who was bought, brainwashed and trained to kill by the Empire. Akame is a member of the secret assassin group called “Night Raid” who use special weapons called Teigu. Together, Tatsumi and the members of Night Raid confront the corrupt empire. (Source: Crunchyroll)
There are 24 episodes across 1 seasons
Akame ga Kill! has 1 seasons
Akame ga Kill! has 0 movies
View all the opening and ending themes for Akame ga Kill! through every season
No theme information available at this time.
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