Based on a crime suspense historical manga written by Takeuchi Ryousuke and drawn by Miyoshi Hikaru. The story's protagonist is James Moriarty, the famous antagonist from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series.James is an orphan who assumes the name William James Moriarty when he and his younger brother are adopted into the Moriarty family. As a young man, he seeks to remove the ills caused by England's strict class system.(Source: ANN)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Based on a crime suspense historical manga written by Takeuchi Ryousuke and drawn by Miyoshi Hikaru. The story's protagonist is James Moriarty, the famous antagonist from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes series.James is an orphan who assumes the name William James Moriarty when he and his younger brother are adopted into the Moriarty family. As a young man, he seeks to remove the ills caused by England's strict class system.(Source: ANN)
There are 24 episodes across 2 seasons
Moriarty the Patriot has 2 seasons
Moriarty the Patriot has 0 movies
View all the opening and ending themes for Moriarty the Patriot through every season
No theme information available at this time.
No theme information available at this time.
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