When the prestigious all-girls Hachimitsu Private Academy becomes co-ed, five young men are the first males to attend. But the girls aren't so accepting of their new classmates. Despite their best attempts, Kiyoshi and his friends are met with cold shoulders from the girls. So what better way to deal with rejection than a little bit of peeping? When they chance a peak at the girls during bath time, their plan falls apart and they are caught by the Underground Student Council. Unwilling to hear any excuses, the USC enforces an absurd punishment imprisonment! For a month, the boys must live within the school's very own penal system while enduring long, hard, and grueling tasks. But the work is the least of their worries. With the sharp crack of a riding crop and the harsh discipline from a stiletto heel, it's going to take more than sheer will power to survive the next month especially when the ladies of the USC have their own secret agenda. (Source: FUNimation)
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Prison School, Vol. 6
Prison School, Vol. 9
Prison School, Vol. 10
Prison School, Vol. 11
Prison School, Vol. 12
Prison School, Vol. 13
Prison School, Vol. 14
Prison School, Vol. 15
Prison School, Vol. 16
Prison School, Vol. 17
Prison School, Vol. 18
Prison School, Vol. 19
Prison School, Vol. 20
Prison School, Vol. 21
Prison School, Vol. 22
Prison School, Vol. 23
Prison School, Vol. 24
Prison School, Vol. 25
Prison School, Vol. 26
Prison School, Vol. 27
Prison School, Vol. 28
Frequently Asked Questions
When the prestigious all-girls Hachimitsu Private Academy becomes co-ed, five young men are the first males to attend. But the girls aren't so accepting of their new classmates. Despite their best attempts, Kiyoshi and his friends are met with cold shoulders from the girls. So what better way to deal with rejection than a little bit of peeping? When they chance a peak at the girls during bath time, their plan falls apart and they are caught by the Underground Student Council. Unwilling to hear any excuses, the USC enforces an absurd punishment imprisonment! For a month, the boys must live within the school's very own penal system while enduring long, hard, and grueling tasks. But the work is the least of their worries. With the sharp crack of a riding crop and the harsh discipline from a stiletto heel, it's going to take more than sheer will power to survive the next month especially when the ladies of the USC have their own secret agenda. (Source: FUNimation)
There are 13 episodes across 2 seasons
Prison School has 2 seasons
Prison School has 0 movies
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