Four years into the future, the world has lost its balance... 10 thousand metres of vast woodland is gone, preventing humans to live and leaving a desert to spread endlessly. And so, they head into the world of Meshichi, to live together with the Anbots. As if guided by fate, Sanzou and Gokyuu meet. Traveling together, Sanzou - a young man shrouded in mystery, Gokyuu - the strongest and worst Anbot around, Tongoh - an Anbot fond of drinking, Jou - someone who is great with machines, Suuji - a female Anbot thief, and last but not least, Mioto. And so, their journey begins to the boundless East, to the land where the sun was born! (Source: AnimeNfo)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Four years into the future, the world has lost its balance... 10 thousand metres of vast woodland is gone, preventing humans to live and leaving a desert to spread endlessly. And so, they head into the world of Meshichi, to live together with the Anbots. As if guided by fate, Sanzou and Gokyuu meet. Traveling together, Sanzou - a young man shrouded in mystery, Gokyuu - the strongest and worst Anbot around, Tongoh - an Anbot fond of drinking, Jou - someone who is great with machines, Suuji - a female Anbot thief, and last but not least, Mioto. And so, their journey begins to the boundless East, to the land where the sun was born! (Source: AnimeNfo)
There are 52 episodes across 1 seasons
Monkey Typhoon has 1 seasons
Monkey Typhoon has 0 movies
Not available at this time.
View all the opening and ending themes for Monkey Typhoon through every season
No theme information available at this time.
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