Three classmates play simple hand games. One of the girls is good at games, but hates them as she always lost to her older sister and forced to do chores while growing up. Another girl is of American descent, but raised in Japan, and who only pretends to be bad at Japanese. Another girl usually observes their games, and loses to the other girls. (Source: ANN)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Three classmates play simple hand games. One of the girls is good at games, but hates them as she always lost to her older sister and forced to do chores while growing up. Another girl is of American descent, but raised in Japan, and who only pretends to be bad at Japanese. Another girl usually observes their games, and loses to the other girls. (Source: ANN)
There are 12 episodes across 1 seasons
Asobi Asobase -workshop of fun- has 1 seasons
Asobi Asobase -workshop of fun- has 0 movies
View all the opening and ending themes for Asobi Asobase -workshop of fun- through every season
No theme information available at this time.
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