Pecola is an orphaned penguin who lives with Pecolias, his Grandfather. Cube Town is an isolated small coastal village with such features as an art museum, beach, lighthouse (which has the number 36 above its entrance) and canal. It is located adjacent to Crescent Bay surrounded by the Rookery Mountains coastal range and served by regular ships (including a weekly freighter) that deliver mail, foodstuffs and other supplies plus occasional tourists from a nearby large metropolis named Cubic City. The heights above it lead into Glacier Valley which is snowbound even during summer. (Source: Wikipedia)
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Frequently Asked Questions
Pecola is an orphaned penguin who lives with Pecolias, his Grandfather. Cube Town is an isolated small coastal village with such features as an art museum, beach, lighthouse (which has the number 36 above its entrance) and canal. It is located adjacent to Crescent Bay surrounded by the Rookery Mountains coastal range and served by regular ships (including a weekly freighter) that deliver mail, foodstuffs and other supplies plus occasional tourists from a nearby large metropolis named Cubic City. The heights above it lead into Glacier Valley which is snowbound even during summer. (Source: Wikipedia)
There are 26 episodes across 1 seasons
Pecola has 1 seasons
Pecola has 0 movies
Not available at this time.
View all the opening and ending themes for Pecola through every season
No theme information available at this time.
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